Greek Pastry-Cook Claims
a Place in the Guinness Book

The Greek-American Herald

Xanthi - A pastry-cook from Xanthi, northeast Greece, will attempt to make a baklava (a dessert made in paper-thin layers of flaky pastry, chopped nuts and honey) that will cover the Bosporus
Bridge and claim this way a place in the Guiness Book of Records.

Stelios Arseniou will attempt to unite the west with the east with a 1,800-meters-long baklava weighing 30 tons. To prepare the baklava he will use an estimated 10 million layers of flaky pastry. He will work with a mobile team of pastry-cooks from Greece and Turkey who will be on the bridge and make the dessert under his instructions.

The Greek-pastry cook got the inspiration to make the gigantic baklava from a Turkish television series aired on a Greek private television station and among its characters was a family of baklava makers in Turkey.

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